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How is your day: 14th August

How is your day: 14th August
, Tuesday, 14 August 2018 (10:34 IST)
Aries : Creative people make a mark, earn appreciation and are ready to take on a few risks today that are sure to work. You celebrate a happy event with your spouse hosting a grand party amidst loved ones and friends tonight.

Taurus : Life is a maze and you are right in the middle of it all, absorbing every experience and hoping to learn from it. You move towards your goals with no definite plan, allowing your gut to guide you.

Gemini : CWork is slow as your mind seems to be racing in many different directions. Allow yourself a mental break and ease out issues that bother you. Health needs care especially for those suffering from joint aches and pains.

Cancer : Seeing things from only your perspective can block your vision and growth. You can get much more out of work today if you are open minded. Surprise yourself and reap rich rewards in the near future. 

Leo : You maybe feeling out of sorts today as you feel shortchanged and the lack of appreciation at work today.  Love life requires tender care and attention and you are your generous best tonight.

Virgo : If connected with the media field, you are at your competitive best today. Allowing your manipulative ways to take over your talent will be a mistake. Be extra sure before you that don’t rub anyone up the wrong way. 

Libra : Ups and downs at the work place indicated. If you open your heart and communicate your concerns, understanding for you will flow things are about to become more interesting. Try not to be opinionated. 

Scorpio :  Never have you been more in need of a vacation and a much-needed break. Take it today. Enjoy yourself. Schedule important meetings or discussions when you feel more focused.

Sagittarius :  It's a fairly routine day, but improved powers of concentration will enable you to accomplish a bit more than usual. Things settle down nicely today.

Capricorn : Getting busy at work is not anymore a choice, you are being observed, do your best, leave the rest. Fun outings and bonding with family is your choice as you tie loose ends and do exactly what you desires.

Aquarius : A fresh start with a fresh attitude at work is a well thought of decision for most of you, as you plan on making things move in your favor. Fame and money are very much a part of the deal. 

Pisces : Work proposals and new ventures are plenty but you don’t seem satisfied with your lot knowing you are worth much more. Being over-choosy may just put you in the background.

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