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How is your day : 20th August

Tuesday, 20 August 2019 (10:51 IST)
Aries: Work is tough, but an easy-going attitude makes life easy today, even though you may face indifference and animosity from colleagues. Clear payments, making way for money that is to come in.

Taurus :  You will have an early start, as you decide it makes for more quality time for each and every project you are working on. Teamwork and delegating responsibility is necessary.

Gemini :  Enchanting and exciting new proposals at work promise growth. You are waiting for a breakthrough and yet skeptical. Soul searching and trusting your talents will reflect on your choices.

Cancer: Changes are happy. Be open to all the miracles of life as you make a strong intention to move forward towards all things bright and brilliant in every area. Marriage bells for the single are indicated. 

Leo :  Work could get monotonous and you are feeling stagnant at this point. A challenging career move needs more than just talk. Let action speak louder than words. Make the moves you truly want.

Virgo :  If connected with the media field, you are at your competitive best today. Allowing your manipulative ways to take over your talent will be a mistake. Be extra sure before you that don’t rub anyone up the wrong way.

Libra :   The married plan a family. If tempted to cheat on your mate, repercussions will make you sit up and wonder. Instead clear the clutter and mess at work that needs your personal touch. Health improves for most.

Scorpio :  Hard work may not be enough today. Delays and obstacles teach you the process and protocol. Be patient yet ready for eventualities. Finances for some need sorting out this evening. Loved ones are all support.

Sagittarius :  The trivia and mediocrity of anything is something beyond your senses and sensibilities. Your goals and Modus Operandi is based on a perfect result. Health is happy.

Capricorn :  Life, people and circumstances, you decide make you cautious and careful. Your spirit remains untouched and you soar high, leaving others who are no match behind. Getting assertive and at times aggressive.

Aquarius :  Work and projects on hand are top priority today as you are keen to meet your targets and improve finances and goodwill in your chosen field. The Health of a parent improves. A family gathering is warm and cozy this evening.

Pisces:-  Work and what you are working towards is likely to happen, provided you believe. Be confident and charismatic. Wonders are a sure shot. Travel for some is pleasant and beneficial.

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