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How is your day: 22nd January

How is your day: 22nd January
, Sunday, 21 January 2018 (21:24 IST)
Aries : It is difficult to put into words what you may be feeling, as an emotional void comes about in every area of your life. Keep your preconceived notions and ego aside, freeing yourself from pressures. 

Taurus : You will be happy with your progress and assertive actions today. You begin to get enthusiastic even though the procedure and paperwork concerning some process is slow. 

Gemini : Money channels open up and pending payments you have been waiting for flow in without too much of an issue on hand. If employed, being delegated more responsibility is not what you desire but be compelled to do. 

Cancer : Work routine is set and goes according to plan, making you feel good about the efforts you have put in meticulously for a while. 

Leo : Work wise smooth sailing comes in. Although watch what you do or say today, as misplacing or completely losing valuable/important documents/valuables is not ruled out. 

Virgo : You will sow exactly what you reap. It is a day to be more compassionate, understanding and tolerant. Even though it seems a tall order for some in the circumstances you find yourself in at work and home. 

Libra : Hiring more staff and looking into every minute detail at work/business is important. Support and suggestion is a wise option. 

Scorpio : Lady luck on your side at work continues. However don’t get too flighty or overconfident as you have a long way to go. The right amount of humility and sensibility in your ways will make and show a marked difference. 

Sagittarius : You feel maybe you are getting a raw deal even though you put in your all at work. However be a little more patient and voice your feelings to the right person/s and you could be surprised.

Capricorn : The pace at work picks up and things go according to your design today. However, try not to Commit to any deals before weighing the pros and cons carefully. 

Aquarius : You are ready to go that extra mile but your intention to prove a point to competitors will bring in short-term results. Make wise choices.

Pisces : Money comes and goes. The prudence lies in investing it in stocks and shares as it will prove lucky today. Those in the media travel overseas at short notice this evening. 

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Today's Birthday: 21st January