Aries: Work improves and you plan to take on a few more suggestions from trusted associates and take a calculated risk. It works wonders, forge ahead with confidence, love life is topsy turvy, be patient and keep smiling.
Taurus: Health needs taking care, its wise not to neglect minor ailments. Those creatively inclined face major confusions about projects on hand. Organization and clarity is key. Work toward it.
Gemini: If it works for you, go right ahead and do exactly as you please, call the shots and get things moving at work. Upcoming travel needs a good plan and wise budgeting.
Cancer: Topsy turvy only means more patience and prudence needs to be practiced today, and you will notice a shift, desirable! Providing you the results you seek.
Leo: Being open to others and communicating will make for all the positive difference in every area of your life today. Be positive and true to yourself.
Virgo: Business cum pleasure travel will be both lucrative and relaxing as you manage to make the most of it all. Money inflow improves and you plan on a shopping binge with close pals this evening.
Libra: Temperamental and feeling out of sorts today, you try your best to give up on certain situations at work; you will have no control over.
Scorpio: Gregarious and generous, you go out of your way to improve public relations with old /new clients/customers in your chosen field of work. Weigh pros and cons carefully if considering a get rich quick scheme.
Sagittarius: Integrity in your dealings with people and at work will mean a lot of growth and progress; make wise choices when faced with big decisions.
Capricorn: Work wise you are more than ready to give your best. Give your competitive streak a rest, and simply have the conviction that you are the best, the rest takes care of itself.
Aquarius: Changes are plenty and inevitable today. Escaping them will prove a waste of time and energy. Face your deepest fears and great relief comes over.
Pisces: There's nothing to stop you branching out in a new direction at work. Rejoice at the new beginnings. Break that stagnant sense of boredom creeping in at work.