India’s biggest stunt-based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi- Darr vs Dare on COLORS is getting interesting and exciting with each passing day. And what makes it exciting, and entertaining are the contestants and host and action master Rohit Shetty. Known for being one of the quirkiest contestants on the block, Arjun Bijlani, will enhance the fun factor and decide to decipher Rohit Shetty's 'Man Ki baat' in the upcoming episode, while the latter challenges the contestants with difficult tasks.
Most interestingly, Baba Arjun Bijlani will do honest interpretations of what Rohit Shetty is actually thinking when speaking to the contestants. Rohit Shetty asks Arjun to decode his favourite line, "How are you all," to test if he truly understands his ‘Man Ki Baat’. When he decoded it as ‘I don’t actually care,' everyone burst out laughing. It gets even funnier when they pull Nikki Tamboli's leg and Arjun decipher what Rohit Shetty means when he says, "It's fine even if you lost, you gave it your all” to her.
Arjun finally mimics Rohit’s way of explaining how every task is and what he is actually trying to say but Rohit just smiles. Is it the calm before a stormy task?