Mumbai: The first look poster of 'Mona_Darling', a horror-thriller set in the contemporary, post-cyber world, has been released. Produced by Vasu Bhagnani, 'Mona_Darling ' is a contemporary whodunnit, with a splash of supernatural. The film is set in a college campus somewhere in India (an Indian Institute of Technology) where a few mysterious deaths occur and the only common link between the victims is that, seconds before their deaths, they all accepted a ‘Facebook friend request’ from a certain profile page of Mona_Darling.
The person behind the said page, Mona happens to be missing. Her friend, and a fellow student, Sarah recruits the help of a classmate, Viki – a borderline sociopathic genius. This odd-couple of amateur sleuths carry on their investigation as the story leads them into unexpected corners and terrifying revelations. Trade sources said the film, a pacy thriller, captures the present zeitgeist of young India and its obsession with social networking Mona_Darling', which stars Anshuman Jha, Suzzana Mukherjee, Divya Menon and Sanjay Suri in the lead, releases on February 17, 2017. (UNI)