Mumbai: The upcoming episode of India’s Best Dancer vs. Super Dancer: Champions Ka Tashan promises a vibrant celebration of Makar Sankranti. Adding to the festive spirit, the challenges will be uniquely presented on colorful kites, bringing a fresh twist to the competition. Hosted by Haarsh Limbachiyaa, the dance reality show sees Malaika Arora as the proud owner of Team India’s Best Dancer, while Geeta Kapur mentors the exceptional young talents of Team Super Dancer. Overseeing the electrifying face-off is ace choreographer/director - Remo D’Souza, ensuring the competition remains fair and fiercely engaging. The episode will also feature acclaimed actor Hina Khan, who came to promote her new drama webseries, Grihalakshmi, and the actor shared her inspiring journey of battling cancer, leaving the judges, contestants, and audience deeply moved.
Reflecting on the moment when she was diagnosed, Hina recounts, "The night I found out, my partner came home while I was having dinner. After I finished, he told me the results were positive, and a tear rolled down his cheek. It hit me hard; for 10 minutes, I was silent.”
She recalled the poignant moment that changed her outlook: "Right before the diagnosis was shared, I had ordered falooda with my brother. When the bell rang for the delivery, it felt like ‘ghar mein meetha aaya hai.’ That falooda became a turning point for me. Instead of despair, I decided to stay positive. We ate the falooda together, and then we went to sleep.”
Hina also spoke about the strength of caregivers, saying, "I realized caregivers go through more than us. I made sure the atmosphere at home was always positive. I never behaved like a patient and ensured I was my usual, lively self."
During her treatment, Hina demonstrated immense resilience and determination. She shared how her surgery, which was expected to take 8 hours, extended to 15 hours. Yet, her first thought upon waking was for her caregivers. "When they took me out of the OT, everyone was standing at the gate. I smiled at them, held their hand, and that smile changed everything."
Hina’s inspiring story is a testament to her strength and belief in “mind over matter.”