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Malayalam director Ali Akbar embraces Sanatan Dharma, takes on name of Rama Simhan

Malayalam director Ali Akbar embraces Sanatan Dharma, takes on name of Rama Simhan
, Friday, 14 January 2022 (11:38 IST)
Thiruvananthapuram: Noted Malayalam film director Ali Akbar and his wife Lucyamma on Thursday embraced Sanatan Dharma. He has now taken on the name Rama Simhan.

Pratheesh Viswanath, Hindu activist and founder of Hindu Seva Kendra, shared pictures on his social media account of the director and his wife sitting in front of a havan kund and pouring oblations into the sacred fire. The Malayalee director was bare bodied, attired in white veshti with a saffron angavastra around his shoulders, and with the sacred thread.

Pratheesh Vishwanath, in a tweet said: “Noted Malayalam film Director Shri Ali Akbar officially embraced Sanatan Dharma... Now onwards he is RamaSimhan.”

Last month, Ali Akbar had announced that he has lost faith in Islam, as he was upset at a section of social media users who posted emoticons in jubilation over the tragic death of Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat and his wife in a helicopter crash.

In a video posted on social media on December 11, he had announced: "I am not a Muslim from today onwards. I am an Indian." (UNI)

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