Actor Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed by an intruder who entered his Mumbai apartment, recorded his statement with the Bandra police on Thursday. Earlier, the actor’s wife and actress Kareena Kapoor’s statement was also recorded by the Police.
Joint CP of Law and Order Of Mumbai Police, Satyanarayan Choudhary said in a statement, “Mumbai Police recorded the statement of actor Saif Ali Khan last evening. Earlier, Kareena Kapoor's statement was recorded by Bandra Police.”
As per reports, the actor said in his statement that he and Kareena were in their bedroom on the 11th floor when they heard their younger son Jehangir's (Jeh) nanny screaming. So, they rushed to Jeh's room, where they saw an unknown person and Jeh was crying. Saif stated that he tried to stop the accused but he stabbed the actor several times. He then pushed the intruder inside the room as the nanny ran away with Jeh and locked him in. The attacker also attacked the nurse name Phillip. After he returned from the hospital, the nurse informed him that the attacker demanded Rs 1 crore.
The attack happened on January 16 when an intruder entered his Bandra residence. He was stabbed multiple times by the intruder during the scuffle and he suffered six stab injuries - one of which was on his spine. He rushed to the Lilavati Hospital around 2 am on the night of the incident. He underwent a surgery to fix leaking spinal fluid and plastic surgeries. Later, he was discharged on January 21.
30-year-old Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir of Bangladeshi origin was arrested by Mumbai Police from Thane on January 18 in the stabbing case.
Shahzad, who had changed his name to Vijay Das upon entering India, had been living in Mumbai for the last six months. His alleged motive behind the crime, according to authorities, was robbery.
After crossing into the country “illegally”, Shahzad settled in Mumbai and found work at a bar in Thane, a satellite city on the outskirts of Mumbai. However, he left his job just a week before the attack, hoping to find a better job. According to the police, Shahzad also did not have any valid Indian identification documents.
During the probe, the accused had repeatedly said “Ha maine hi kiya (Yes, I did it).”