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World Population day: An injection that prevents pregnancy for three months

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 (14:02 IST)
New Delhi: The Health Ministry dismissed apprehension that the injectable contraceptive Depo-Provera had any permanent side effect, it  is the reason why the drug was not introduced in the drug field directly, but in phases.

It is to be noted that Indian government introduced an injectable contraceptive in July last year in a bid to bring improvement in the family planning services. As per the medicos, the Injection is 97 percent effective and one injection can avoid pregnancy for 12 weeks. DMPA or Depo-Provera contains hormone progestin which prevent ovulation and subsequently pregnancy for three months. However like other pills it is ineffetive in battling Sexually transmitted diesease(STD).

Earlier, Minister of State for Health Anupriya Patel said that some pills could be introduced in very low doses, she said they were not found to be effective. (UNI)

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