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Did Rama really disown Sita?

Aniruddha Joshi “Shatayu”
Rama represents the Sanatana tradition and the vibrant culture of India like no other.  Somehow it makes sense why there has been a constant effort to tarnish his image by distorting facts and myths about him. Thus he also proves a soft target for a section of the ill-intending intellectuals. Many books have been penned down against him. One such fact that constantly being used against Rama is that he had disowned Sita. But did he? Let’s set the record straight.

"Valmiki Ramayana" is classified into six parts or ‘Kands.’ “Uttar-Kand” was added into it later. During the Buddhist era, a lot of misleading informations were spread about Rama and Sita. As expected, it fumed many Hindu erudites but the practice of defaming ram lingered long enough that it still goes on happening.

.It is believed that Lord Rama asked Sita to go for Agni Pariksha to prove her purity and sanctity.Despite having proven her sanctity in Agni Pariksha, Sita was disowned by Rama as he was afraid of rumor driven publish opinion. However, this is not written in the original Valmiki Ramayana at all.

"Valmiki Ramayana", which was written way before the Buddha era, remains unpolluted by all such distortions. Disowning of Sita, Shambhuk Vadh, Ravan-charit all these were never a part of it. It only had six Kands and the final Kand was the Lanka Kand. Uttar-Kand was added far later and even Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti could not keep the so called Luv-Kush Kand (Original- Uttara Kand) out of their narrative of Ramayana. It paved way for all anti-Rama forces to launch a scathing attack on the Maryada Purushottam, who was known for his impeccable sanctity and probity.

Vipin Kishore Sinha has written a well researched book titled “Rama never disowned Sita” published by “Sanskriti Shodh evam Prakashan”, Varanasi. The book lays bare all the misleading facts that are popularized on basis of “Uttar-Kand”. Even Father Kamil Bulke, who had carried out one of the most authentic research on Ramayana, states clearly that Uttar-Kand was never a part of the original Ramkatha and was written long time after the "Valmiki Ramayana".

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