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Pepsico CEO Indra Nooyi is under pressure to step down!

, Wednesday, 16 August 2017 (20:03 IST)
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi is feeling the heat! A non profit group called Color of Change, which has previously gone after Uber and Disney, has now set eyes on Pepsico and Nooyi is the center of their attraction!
The organization is pressuring Nooyi to step down from Donald Trump’s business-advisory council. It says that Trump was slow to condemn white-supremacist violence last weekend in Virginia and somehow holds Nooyi morally responsible for it!

Campbell Soup CEO Denise Morrison is next to be targetted, if executive director of the group Rashad Robinson is to be belived! The group claims to have 1 million online members.
“We let Pepsi know about 24 hours ago that we would be moving forward on them,” Robinson said in an interview on Tuesday. “They are a public-facing company that talks openly about diversity. Their role on this business council is that of an enabler, and they are an enabler to Donald Trump -- not just the policies but the practices that are putting folks in harm’s way.”
Prior to this, CEOs from Merck & Co., Under Armour Inc. and Intel Corp. have already stepped down from his manufacturing council. CEOs from Dow Chemical Co., General Motors Co., General Electric Co. and Boeing Co. etc. have indicated that they are not going to follow suit as yet.

However, the President Trump stays defiant as he tweeted on Tuesday saying that he has many leaders waiting to take the place of anyone who leaves.

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