In Hinduism, Tuesdays are considered an auspicious day, dedicated to Lord Hanuman and Lord Mars. Hanuman is considered a symbol of Mars' energy. Worshiping him can help alleviate Mars-related issues. Fasting on Tuesdays is considered auspicious for achieving success and prosperity in various aspects of life. However, there are certain things that are believed to be inauspicious or prohibited on Tuesdays:
9 Things Not To Do On Tuesdays
1. Tuesday is considered an inauspicious day for sexual intercourse.
2. Avoid cutting nails or hair on Tuesday. Cutting your nails or hair on this day could invite negative energy into your life.
3. Traveling in the northern, western and northern-western directions on Tuesday is considered inauspicious. The north direction is considered particularly problematic on Tuesdays. If necessary, consume jaggery before travelling.
4. Consuming non-veg and liquor on Tuesdays is considered impure and is believed to attract negative energies.