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The Secrets of Draupadi’s beauty

The Secret of Draupadi’s beauty

Webdunia Content Team

, Wednesday, 4 September 2024 (14:59 IST)
According to the Mahabharata, King Drupada’s daughter Draupadi was married to all five Pandava brothers - Yudhishthira, Arjuna, Bhima, Nakul and Sahadev, and hence was called Panchali. Draupadi had five sons, known as the Upapandavas, from each Pandava brothers. Pandava brothers married other women as well, but all the brothers had special affection towards Draupadi. When they had to leave for heaven, they wanted Draupadi to accompany them.

Secrets of Draupadi’s beauty
  • When King Draupada conducted a yajna to get a warrior to kill Drona, Draupadi was born from that Yajna fire. That’s why she was named Yajnaseni which means ‘one born from a Yajna’.
  • Draupadi also earned the name 'Krishna' because of her dark complexion.
  • Draupadi was born with unparalleled beauty, intelligence and courage.
  • Draupadi’s eyes were black, and large just like lotus-petals, and her locks were long, black and curly.
  • It is said that Draupadi’s body smells like a fresh bloom lotus, perceivable from a large distance.
  • It is said that Draupadi was as soft as a petal when she was in good mood, however when she got in to a rage, her muscles and veins would toughen like a warrior.
  • Draupadi was blessed with the ability to regain her virginity. As her time with one husband ended and another husband began, Draupadi would walk through fire and thus regain her virginity.

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