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Attack on Bike Rally & vehicles of senior officials post Bhumi Poojan

Friday, 7 August 2020 (16:21 IST)
Tezpur:A group clash broke out in Sonitpur district of northern Assam during a motorbike rally to celebrate laying of foundation of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, with the mob torching vehicles and attacking the cars of the deputy commissioner and other senior officials. 
Sonitpur deputy commissioner Manavendra Pratap Singh said a group of people had 
taken out a spontaneous motorbike rally to mark the foundation stone laying of Ram Mandir by the prime minister at Ayodhya earlier in the day. 
However, they engaged in a clash with another group at Gorudhua in Thelamara area 
circle of the district at around 6.30 pm. The mob set on fire three motorcycles and a passenger carrying commercial vehicle. The deputy commissioner, DIG (northern range), SP, and other senior officials of the district civil and police administration rushed to the spot. 
The vehicles of the DC and circle officers of Dhekiajuli and Tezpur were also attacked 
by the mob, shattering windows of the vehicles and creating dents on the body. Several people were injured in the clashes and have been rushed to Tezpur Medical 
College and Hospital here. 
Singh said the situation is under control now and night curfew, already in place throughout the state due to COVID 19 situation, is being strictly enforced in the affected parts. He added that decision of extending curfew during the day time will be taken tomorrow morning. CRPF personnel have been deputed in the area to assist the local police. 
Assam BJP condemns violence on motorbike rally to celebrate laying of foundation of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya
Guwahati:Assam BJP has strongly condemned the violence which took place between two groups yesterday during a motorbike rally to celebrate laying of foundation of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.
In a press statement the party said that, "Congress, AIDUF and left parties may have instigated certain sections of people to carry out vandalism and carry out attack on a peaceful bike rally"
It further said that since the BJP government came into power in the state there were no incidence of group clashes from anywhere in the state.
Meanwhile, indefinite curfew remained clamped in parts of Sonitpur district of northern Assam since last night following a group clash yesterday during a motorbike rally to celebrate laying of foundation of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.
According to district administration a group of people had taken out a motorbike rally, chanting 'Jai Shree Ram', to mark the foundation stone laying of Ram Mandir by the Prime Minister at Ayodhya. There was no official permission granted for the rally.
However, the bikers engaged in a clash with another group at Gorudua in Thelamara area circle of the district at around 6.30 pm. The mob set on fire three motorcycles and a passenger carrying a commercial vehicle. 
The vehicles of the DC were also attacked by the mob, shattering windows of the vehicles and creating dents on the body.  Several people were injured in the clashes and have been rushed to Tezpur Medical College and Hospital here. CRPF personnel have been deputed in the area to assist the local police, and the situation is under control.(UNI)

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