Jammu: Firing resumed early this morning when the army and security forces launched a search operation with first light at the encounter site in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. Three militants killed, a policeman got martyred while four, including two soldiers and a domestic help yesterday got injured in day long gun battle that broke out in an under construction mini secretariat and a residential house.
An elder couple, held hostage by the militants, was freed last night by the Army commandoes in the final assault. "Apprehending the presence of more militants in under construction building of Mini Secretariat in Allapeer area, military operation again resumed this morning," official sources here said. They said when security forces launched a search operation, hiding militants opened fire on the troops. "Security forces retaliated and exchange of fire resumed thus triggering a fresh gun battle," sources added. They said that the encounter is continuing. (UNI)