Chennai: A day after the Tamil Nadu government took the Ordinance route and announced that Jallkattu would be held today, the protestors at Marina, which had crossed more than two lakhs, and at Alanganallur today continued their agitation demanding a permanent lifting of ban on the bull taming sport and a ban on PETA.
The massive crowd, which was unprecedented both in terms of scale and nature, at Marina continued their non-stop protests for the sixth consecutive day, outrightly rejecting Chief Minister O Panneerselvam's contention that the ban on Jalliakttu was lifted following promulgation of Ordinance. He also sought to allay the fears of the protestors, saying the Ordinance was the only solution to the impasse, and appealed to them to call off their agitation.
But the students, youths, women and children did not heed to his request and said the agitation will continue till it was notified that bulls were removed from the list of performing animals--which was instrumental in Supreme Court banning the sport, that could not be held for the last three years. (UNI)