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Fatwa against Slim fit burqas and marriage with bankers issued

Fatwa against Slim fit burqas and marriage with bankers issued
, Friday, 5 January 2018 (13:15 IST)
Deoband: Muslims should avoid marrying in families employed in the banking sector, as the whole banking system works on 'interest,' which is illegitimate (haram) in Islam, said a fatwa issued by the Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband. Head of the Darul Ifta department Mufti Habiburrahman Khairabadi, who releases fatwas, here on Thursday talked about a person, who was getting a marriage proposal from a family, where the father earned money from a banking job. 'Is it preferable to marry in such families,' the man wanted to know, said Mufti Khairabadi.

In its reply, the seminary's fatwa said that marriages in such families should be avoided. Those who are nourished with 'haram' wealth, usually lack in respect to instincts and morals, it said.Earlier, Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband, in a fatwa had said that Muslim women should avoid attractive and slim-fit burqas and roaming without purpose, as it was against the religion. (UNI)

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