New Delhi: Hours after Supreme Court cancelled his bail, the controversial RJD leader Shahabuddin landed in jail following his surrender before a Siwan court on Friday.
The RJD strongman was whisked away to Siwan Jail after he was remanded to judicial custody for eight days by first class judicial magistrate Sandeep Kumar before whom Shahabuddin surrendered following the cancellation of his bail by the apex court.“I respect the judiciary, I don't care about what people say," the controversial politician told reporters before the surrendering.
Continuing his tirade against Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Shahabuddin said, "I stand by what I said earlier. My supporters will show them in the upcoming elections." Earlier, Supreme Court had directed Shahabuddin to surrender and had asked Bihar government to initiate steps to take him into custody. Patna High Court had recently granted him bail in the murder of Rajiv Roshan, son of Siwan-based Chandrakeshwar Prasad and the sole eyewitness to the cold-blooded murder of his two younger brothers in Siwan.
Mr Prasad, popularly known as Chanda Babu, is a relieved man today. He said the cancellation of Shahabuddin's bail by the apex court had brought some consolation to him, but he would be satisfied only after Shahabuddin was awarded capital punishment. The RJD leader has already been convicted in the twin murder case and the trial in the Roshan murder case is yet to commence.
A bench of Justices PC Ghose and Amitava Roy today also asked the trial court to expeditiously conclude the Rajiv Roshan murder case allegedly involving Shahabuddin. Roshan, the eyewitness to the gruesome killings of two of his younger brothers, was also killed a few days before his testimony in the murder case of his siblings. Shahabuddin's bail was challenged in the apex court by the family of the victim. Bihar government had also opposed his bail in the top court. (UNI)