New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party, which has been shrouded with alleged 'irregularities' and infighting, today got a breather after its candidate Reshma won the Maujpur MCD bypoll while Congress bagged Sarai Pipal Thala. Ms Reshma registered her victory with a margin of 699 votes following recounting of votes. The Congress party managed to get second spot while BJP stood the third. According to sources the BJP candidate has lost his deposit. She got 9,374 votes.
In Sarai Pipal Thala, Congress's Mukesh Goyal defeated BJP's Mangatram Sharma by 2,743 votes. The outcome of the two seats is a major setback for the BJP, which registered a landslide victory in the recently- concluded MCD polls. Meanwhile, reacting on his party's candidate victory, Delhi Congress chief Ajay Maken in a tweet congratulated party workers and said that they have worked hard in by-election. The bypoll on both the seats were held on May 14 and 21 following deaths of two candidates. The Maujpur ward comes under East MCD, while Sarai Pipal Thala in North MCD. (UNI)