Novak Djokovic has made some shocking claims about his experience while being detained in Melbourne in 2022. He alleges that he was given "poisoned" food during his brief stay at a detention hotel.
Djokovic revealed that he had some health issues after consuming the food and later discovered high levels of lead and mercury in his system when he returned to Serbia.
In a recent interview with GQ, Djokovic stated, "I realized that in that hotel in Melbourne, I was fed with some food that poisoned me". " I had some discoveries when I came back to Serbia. I never told this to anybody publicly, but discoveries that I was, I had a really high level of heavy metal. Heavy metal. I had the lead, very high level of lead and mercury."
The tennis star didn't elaborate on whether he had any evidence to support his claims, but he didn't back down from the allegations either.
Australian authorities are yet to respond to the claims.
In a separate interview, recently, Djokovic shared that he is still reminded of the deportation trauma every time he lands in Australia but doesn’t hold any grudge against anyone.