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Legendary Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt to trademark signature victory pose

Tuesday, 23 August 2022 (13:16 IST)
New York: Widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time, Usain Bolt, has moved to trademark a logo showcasing his signature victory celebration pose.

The retired Jamaican athlete submitted an application in the US last week, a BBC report said.

He is famous for the pose - in which he leans back and gestures to the sky. He routinely struck the iconic pose after winning gold medals and setting world records. Bolt still holds the world records for the 100m and 200m, making him the fastest man in history.

According to the US Patent and Trademark Office, Bolt filed his application for the trademark on August 17.

It depicts "The silhouette of a man in a distinctive pose, with one arm bent and pointing to the head, and the other arm raised and pointing upward".

He intends to use the image on items including clothing, jewellery and shoes, as well as restaurants and sports bars, the filing shows.

Bolt applied to register a similar trademark 12 years ago, but this has since lapsed under US law.

The eight-time Olympic gold medallist retired from athletics at the 2017 World Championships in London. He could only manage bronze in his penultimate race - the men's 100m - before pulling up injured just as he began to hit top speed at his final event, the 4x100m relay. (UNI)

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