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Today's Birthday: 26th June

Sunday, 25 June 2017 (18:45 IST)
Happy Birthday & welcome to special section of Webdunia . Here, We render the Astro update & sheds light on the personality of the Birthday Boy/ Girl.

If your Birthday falls on the 26th of the month, then your birth number becomes (2+6) 8.  People with the birth number eight are no nonsense personality, workaholic and generous. However, people consider them as loud mouth as the voice pitch is higher and harsh.  They have a materialistic approach & own amazing powers. Often their competitors get the credit of all the hard work of number eight people. It is the reason why they taste success after a long interval.   

Lucky Day : 8,17,26
Lucky Number : 8,17,26, 35,44
Lucky Year : 2015, 2024, 2042
Ishtdev: Lord Hanuman, Shani Dev
Lucky color : Black, Nevi Blue,  Purple

The year ahead:-

The year becomes a trouble shooter for you as the barriers of growth seems to be weakening. Besides, you will be able to register a comprehensive victory over foes.  If you are searching for a vacancy, this year your wait will end. Promotion is on the cards for the employee class while the market scenario is optimistic for businessmen.

Celebs with birth number 8

Guru Nanak
George Bernard Shaw
Rakesh Bedi
Dimple Kapadia
Javed Akhtar
Shabana Azmi
Raveena Tondan
Subhash Ghai


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