The Mahakumbh Mela 2025 began on Monday, January 13, on the auspicious occasion of Paush Purnima. This grand event is expected to attract over 40 crore devotees, making it one of the largest gatherings in the world. Throughout the 45-day event, various akharas (sects) of saints and seers will participate in the festivities. The festivities began with the Shahi Snan at the Sangam, the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers. Around 60 lakh devotees took a dip at the Sangam today, braving the chilly winter weather. Now, a video of a sadhu beating up a YouTuber with a tong (chimta) for asking "useless questions" is going viral on the internet.
The viral video shows Mahakal Giri Baba, aka Hatha Yogi Baba, is seen getting angry at the YouTuber. The YouTuber started the interview by asking 'Maharaj Ji, since when did you join the Sanyasi sect?' Baba replies- since childhood.
On this the YouTuber repeats, 'Since childhood Maharaj Ji?', then the Baba says- 'What else did you see.' After this the YouTuber asks ‘Maharaj Ji which Bhajan of God do you people sing? Which song...? Baba gets angry on this question.
He picks up the tong and says, ‘Get up’. Then he starts hitting the YouTuber with the tong. Within four seconds he hits the YouTuber with the tong four times. The frightened YouTuber runs away from there.