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TRAGEDY: Bride-to-be dies after weight loss op to get ‘princess body’ for her wedding day

TRAGEDY: Bride-to-be dies after weight loss op to get ‘princess body’ for her wedding day

Webdunia News Desk

, Wednesday, 22 May 2024 (17:08 IST)
A bride-to-be in Brazil died after a weight loss procedure for her wedding.

Laura Fernández Costa was desperate to lose 8kg ahead of her big day.

Laura reportedly had a gastric balloon fitted in her stomach to help her lose weight, as reported by Need To Know.

In this procedure, a silicone bag filled with saline is inserted into the stomach to create a feeling of fullness.

31-year-old engineer underwent the op at a clinic on 26 April. She started vomiting blood the next day, according to family members.

Laura then went to a different clinic on 1 May and finally had the balloon removed the following day.

However, Laura continued to suffer severe pain and was hospitalised on 6 May.

The doctors discovered that she had a perforation in her stomach that had caused a generalised infection and she died the next day.

Her fiance, Matheus Turchete said, that “Laura didn’t really need the operation. She wasn’t obese, she was a healthy person. She only weighed 70kg.”

“She just wanted to have a ‘princess body’ for the wedding and she ended up making that decision,” he added.

Laura and Matheus were set to marry on 7 September.

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