As a bee colony becomes overcrowded, a third of the hive stays behind and rears a new queen, while a swarm of thousands departs with the old queen to produce a daughter colony
In our body, all active cells are Muni(s). They are working as per self-inspiration based on cellular intelligence they carry from birth. Immunity is the process of retiring cells from their duties.
Gau Mata has Surya-Ketu Nadi in hump. It is this special feature that makes her different from other breeds. It is this Nadi that transforms Prana Shakti from Prana Daata Sun God. Vitamin D3, the gross and raw form of biological solar power is bonus!
Hindu law-givers did not draw any formal distinction between civil and criminal law, and the same Court was to administer both civil and criminal justice
Draupadi is solution for present day female-freedom conundrum/confusion, provided we shift and raise our intellectual eyebrows from sexual/polyandry imagination of her and try to re-portray her character afresh with new outlook