90% people might not know THESE facts about India's Independence!

Presenting some interesting facts related to India's freedom struggle

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The First War of Indian Independence started with Revolt of 1857.

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The Champaran Satyagrah gave impetus to Indian independence movement.

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Due to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar on 13 April 1919, slogans of Azadi-Azadi were raised everywhere.

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Children stopped going to school during the non-cooperation movement started in 1920.

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The lawyers also stopped going to court and common people stopped working in several cities.

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In 1921, the demand for complete independence of the country (Poorna Swaraj) from British was raised by the Congress.

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Salt Satyagraha (Dandi March) was a non-violent movement which shook the roots of British rule.

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The Round Table Conferences played an important role in India's independence.

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Three Round Table Conferences were held across the country in which constitutional reforms in India were discussed

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The Quit India Movement is regarded as one of the most crucial movements in India's freedom struggle.

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