HORRIFYING! Man vomits live worm after complaining of abdominal pain and nausea

A pharmacist has shared the horrifying story of a man who threw up a live worm after complaining of abdominal pain and nausea

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In his X post, the pharmacist stated that a patient came into his store complaining of stomach ache and a desire to vomit

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The pharmacist asked him when he last dewormed himself and said it’s been years. So, he was prescribed vermox to use

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After taking the medicine, the man experienced a strong urge to vomit the next morning and vomited the live worm

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The pharmacist has also shared the video on the social media which shows the wriggling worm in a washbasin

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The video went viral and several users shared their eerie accounts of similar experiences

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A user stated, ‘I swear if I hadn’t experienced this before, I would have said it was a lie. However, when I was younger, I used to shit live worms and I once vomited live worms on my mum’s bed. It was so scary. My schoolmates told my mum that I shited snakes’

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Another user shared, ‘In secondary school I once had this issue, my mom dewormed me and I went to school the next morning. In class I kept feeling something crawling out my neck to my throat. After drinking water twice, I had to dip my fingers in and pull it out. It was exactly this one in the video’

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