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How is your day: 23rd January

How is your day: 23rd January
, Monday, 22 January 2018 (17:19 IST)
Aries : Make hay while the sun shines. Go ahead with confidence and wisdom. If employed you consider cultivating a hobby and making it a commercial success. All the best.

Taurus : Goof ups from your side have become more of a bad habit you need to rectify to achieve your goals. Being flaky and frisky puts you back to square one. Make a plan and implement it.. 

Gemini : Need to prep yourself for some hard work today? Get organized as loads will be expected of you. Irritation and short temper indicated. Be practical when it comes to dealing with people.

Cancer : Being unreasonable and jealous with your beloved, will keep you de-focused at work and criticism coming your way is not ruled out. Get your priorities right and do the needful.

Leo : Independent and strong you take leaps into the unknown at work, success is slow, however you are determined to prove to yourself that you can get optimum results in a current project that needs your attention.

Virgo : Under-estimating others and their capabilities at work will be a folly on your part. Make sure you are extra cautious and don’t part with information that can be carried and add to existing politics.

Libra : Peace at last? Create it, spread it, you are responsible for creating your own environment and getting the most of it., government and tax related matters need looking into and executing. 

Scorpio : Order comes from a clean and clear mind. Make sure your thoughts are happy and you wish all well, keeping resentments and envy out. Your personal life will rise and shine, at work a late evening is indicated. 

Sagittarius : Work pressures increase and you put in more effort, ask for more assistance and get organized. Finances are key, as you will invest more into a current project. Success is assured. 

Capricorn : Business partnerships do well today despite the many difference of opinion. Mediation by a third party may not be as helpful as perceived. Work towards communication and a common goal. 

Aquarius : If creatively inclined, you feel you are not getting the quality of work you desire. You take initiative to meet new and interesting people from your field building goodwill. Be patient and continue on the perseverance.

Pisces : Long-term love relationships run into minor trouble and you are uneasy and upset. Try not to let it affect your work, or money losses are a surety. Celebrate with loved ones.

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Today's Birthday:22nd January