Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked by an intruder, who barged into his Bandra residence in Mumbai in a burglary attempt in the early hours of January 16, leaving him with six stab wounds. The actor is being treated at Lilavati Hospital. Meanwhile, let’s tell you about the actor's royal legacy, the iconic Pataudi Palace and his impressive net worth.
Saif Ali Khan's Net Worth:
Saif Ali Khan's net worth is estimated to be around Rs 1,200 crore. His wealth comes from a variety of sources, including his successful acting career, brand endorsements, royal background and personal investments.
Breakdown of Saif Ali Khan's Net Worth:
Acting Career: Saif has been a part of the Bollywood industry for almost three decades, with iconic roles in films like "Omkara," "Love Aaj Kal," and "Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior." He, according to sources, charges around Rs 10-15 crore per film.
Brand Endorsements: He has been associated with several top brands, including a clothing brand, "House of Pataudi," which he co-founded with his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan. He charges anywhere between Rs 1-5 crore per campaign.
Personal Investments: Saif has invested in real estate, owning multiple properties, including an ultra-luxurious residence in Satguru Sharan worth Rs 55 crores, where the incident took place, and a luxurious chalet in Gstaad, Switzerland worth Rs 33 crore.
Pataudi Palace: Saif also owns the ancestral Pataudi Palace in Haryana, which is worth Rs 800 crores. Built in the early 1900s by the 8th Nawab of Pataudi, this regal property spans over 10 acres and boasts 150 rooms.
Luxury Cars: Saif's car collection includes expensive cars like the Mercedes-Benz S-Class S 350d, a Land Rover Defender 110, an Audi Q7, and a Jeep Wrangler.
Cricket Team: Saif co-owns the Tiigers of Kolkata in the Indian Street Premier League (ISPL).