Bollywood megastar Salman Khan returns to the big screen in style with Sikandar, a cinematic spectacle produced by his long-time collaborator and close friend Sajid Nadiadwala. The much-anticipated teaser, which has set the internet ablaze, showcases Salman in a never-seen-before avatar brimming with charisma, power, and his trademark swag. With jaw-dropping visuals and high-octane action, Sikandar promises to redefine cinematic grandeur.
Adding to the excitement is the involvement of celebrated director A.R. Murugadoss, who brings his mastery of storytelling and action-packed narratives to the project. The teaser is further elevated by an electrifying background score composed by the acclaimed Santosh Narayanan, whose music perfectly complements the intensity and grandeur of the visuals. The pounding beats and soulful melodies add another layer of brilliance, making Sikandar a full-blown cinematic spectacle.
Today in a bold and unprecedented move, the makers have chosen a YouTube-only approach for unveiling the teaser, ensuring that audiences around the globe get the richest possible viewing experience for this larger-than-life extravaganza. The decision highlights the filmmakers' immense confidence in the film's visual brilliance and impact, allowing viewers to experience the full majesty of Sikandar in high-definition from the comfort of their screens.
With its compelling storyline, larger-than-life action, and Salman Khan’s undeniable charisma, Sikandar is set to be one of the biggest films of the year. Fans couldn’t be more thrilled about Salman Khan’s epic return to the big screen. This can be gauage from the fact that the teaser got whopping 48 million views in 24 hours while trending world wide across at social media platform.
This film also marks another milestone in the celebrated partnership between Sajid Nadiadwala and Salman Khan, whose last venture, Kick, became a ?300 crore blockbuster. Sikandar promises to take this partnership to new heights, delivering yet another blockbuster when it releases in cinemas on EID 2025.(PR)<>