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Overuse of mobile and PC may lead to dry eyes, Use 20*3 formula

Thursday, 13 August 2020 (18:14 IST)
Jammu: Advising a gap of few minutes while working on cell phones or computers, Jammu based Ophthalmologist said that long hours use of these gadgets may lead to dry eyes or infection.
"Though there are no fixed hours to spend time in front of the computer screen, mobile phones or laptops but still, using it for long may lead to dry eyes and other mild infections," Dr Ghazal Pushap, an Ophthalmologist, with expertise in corneal transplant, here told UNI.
She said, "there is a set rule of 20-20-20 while working on these gadgets but they are hardly followed but still people must at least take a break after every one hour to protect their eyes."
"Relaxation of eye muscles is a mandatory part while using cell phone, laptop or computer screen, whose brightness should also be managed," said the doctor adding, "one important thing is that people should not use mobile phone minutes before going to bed as it leads to sleep disorders and eyes infection."
"Stressing eyes unwanted should be avoided and precautions should be taken," Dr Pushap said adding, "in view of COVID, the schools bringing children online to attend classes, should keep in mind about the duration of classes."
"Generally a class is of 45 minutes and even if online, after two classes, a break of 15 to 20 minutes is required for students especially in the age group of 5 to 12 years who have to attend routine classes for around 5 to 6 hours," she advised.(UNI)

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