A devastating incident occurred in Quetta, Pakistan, where a 15-year-old girl was shot dead by her father due to his disapproval of her TikTok videos. The family had recently moved back to Pakistan after living in the US for 25 years.
According to police, the father, Anwar ul-Haq, initially claimed that unidentified gunmen killed his daughter. However, he later confessed to the crime, stating that he was motivated by his disapproval of her TikTok content.
The police investigation revealed that the family had objections to the girl's dressing, lifestyle, and social gatherings. The father, who holds US citizenship, told police that his daughter began creating "objectionable" content on TikTok while living in the US and continued to do so after moving to Pakistan.
This tragic incident highlights the conservative social norms in Pakistan, where over 1,000 women are killed each year in the name of "honor". The case is a stark reminder of the dangers of societal pressure and the importance of protecting individual freedoms, especially for women and girls.