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Goa Govt imposes night curfew from 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs

Goa Govt imposes night curfew from 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs
, Wednesday, 21 April 2021 (21:34 IST)
Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday announced night curfew in the state from 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs till April 30, 2021. 

Addressing a press conference at State Secretariate at Porvorim, near the city, he said, “There would be night curfew from 10 pm to 6 am. In public places no one should roam around. Industrial and goods transport will not be stopped. Public should stop roaming around at night. Casinos, bar and restaurant, river cruise, water parks, entertainment park, gym, massage parlour, cinema halls, multiplex, buses for public transport would be allowed with 50 per cent capacity.”

Advising people not to go to crowded places without need, he said the government was trying to give best treatment facilities.

“Bed capacity at Goa Medical College (GMC) is being increased. Bed capacity of sub district hospital will be increased to 500 in two three days. ESI hospital with 250 beds will be made operational. We have sufficient stock of Remdesivir. We are getting 10,000 vials in the next four days. When private hospitals need Rem they can mail GMC dean and it will be given to them,” he said.

The Chief Minister said importance was being given to testing. 

“We are giving importance to testing. 1500 cases approx. are today. We have crossed 4000 tests. Target is 5000 tests. Need is to home isolate. One patient gets positive, the entire family is testing positive. Those who test and are positive, we have activated Covid care centres. They should get themselves admitted there. Until the report is received person is isolated and then shifted to Covid Care Centre,” he said. (UNI)

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