5 Reasons WHY you should not drink water after eating jamun

The rainy season's favourite fruit Jamun is here. But you must avoid drinking water right after eating this healthy berry

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Drinking water right after eating jamun can dilute the acids, which aid in digestion, present in it

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Thus, it can slow down the digestive process, leading to indigestion or bloating

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Drinking water immediately after eating jamun can affect blood sugar levels

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Drinking water after consuming the fruit can dilute stomach acids, leading to increased acidity

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Consuming water right after eating jamun can aggravate its cooling effect, leading to sore throat

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Jamun has astringent properties which leaves a sticky residue in the mouth, which is beneficial for oral health

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Drinking water right after eating jamun can wash away these compounds, reducing their positive effects on oral health

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It is advisable to drink water only after 30 to 40 minutes after eating jamun

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