Mumbai: After multiple threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and firing outside his residence last year, actor Salman Khan has installed a bulletproof glass panel on the balcony of his flat, completely covering the view, and also upgraded the security arrangements at his residence in the Galaxy apartment in Bandra, sources said here on Tuesday.
This installation of bulletproof glass allows the actor to wave to his fans from the balcony while ensuring his protection against any potential attempts to shoot at him or throw objects at his residence.
A high-tech security system has also been installed, including a high-resolution CCTV camera to detect any suspicious movement.
A retired discipline force man has been hired by an actor who is monitoring the footage from the cameras, and he has been given responsibility to report any unusual activity outside the residence, sources added.
Meanwhile, a senior police officer said that they periodically conduct a security review of the actor and take steps accordingly.
It may be recalled that in the chargesheet in the NCP leader Baba Siddique murder case, the Mumbai police said the Bishnoi gang had Salman Khan in its crosshairs but instead targeted the former Maharashtra minister, a close associate of the actor, due to the heightened security around Salman Khan.